New Caravans & Leisure Lodges
All new Caravans and Lodges are covered by the manufacturers warranty.
Warranty does not cover wear and tear, accidental or malicious damage, failure of the structure due to incorrect siting, failure of any components that have been incorrectly connected to the electricity supply, water supply, sewerage system, gas supply or terminals.
Claims Procedure : Ideally claims should be submitted in writing via email warranty@surfbay.co.uk or posted to Customer Care Dept, Surf Bay Leisure, The South West Caravan Centre, The Airfield, Winkleigh, Devon EX19 8DW. The caravan make, model size, serial number and where it is located, including pitch number where applicable, should be provided along with details of the items for which you wish to claim. Photographs of the damaged / broken items are also preferable to aid identification. Alternatively you can call the Customer Care Department on 01837 680100
The Terms of this agreement do not affect any of the Purchaser's statutory rights as a consumer, which cannot be excluded by this agreement. For more information on these statutory rights contact a local authority Trading Standards Department or Citizens Advice Bureau
Below are links to additional information from our manufactures